
Thursday, 9 January 2020

Gone Savage - Resurrect EP and new Single 'Bulletproof' Review

Gone Savage - Resurrection EP & 'Bulletproof' Single Review

Im not a fan of Dry January, or that other charity event for women that draws on Movember, I think it’s called Fanuary. Anyway for the month of January I have literally Gone Savage. That doesn’t mean Ive foregone the  task of having my weekly bath, or refusing to change my underpants, I have mostly been listening to an EP and new single that was sent to me by Ian of Gone Savage

They are based in Manchester and previous performances included Stage2 at HRH AOR6, and were also invited to perform an acoustic set for VIP’s and press on the same weekend. They are currently scheduled to play The SavFest festival in Nottingham in August.  The band has a long history and has been around since the early nineties. Previous contributors included Vinny Burns ( Dare) and Andy Halliwell (Sweet Sin) together with the original drummer James Ross (Also Ex Dare). Currently the band line up is Ian Salpekar and Will Glover with guests musicians brought in to cover live work. All writing and production is done in house by Will and Ian and assisted by long-time friend and member of the original Gone Savage line up, Grant Mallison.

So what do we have with the Resurrection EP ?

Well, if you are a fan of classic rock, then you’ll find a lot to like in Gone Savage. Opener ‘When The Circus Comes To Town’ sounds like Alice in Chains, if AIC suddenly had a bit of a melody injection but set themselves in the NWOBHM era. Its got a nice dirty riff, and for me, being a sucker for all things 4 part harmony, its got harmonies a-plenty

‘If It Feels Good Do It’ falls in a pretty similar vein, with the same guitar tone,  similar vocals, but for 'Soul Sister' they mix it up thankfully with an acoustic opening, and its here where Gone Savage really shine - when all can weigh in with vocals it makes for goosebumps. Think Poison or more likely Bon Jovi’s ‘Ill be There For You’ and you’ll see what I mean. ‘Love Caught Me Out’ sees GS using a taped voice into for the third time, they like digging out snippets!  For me, they have saved the best for last, its a nice faster paced number, and little gem of a track (not the lettuce). James Marsh’s delivery reminds me of someone I can’t quite put my finger on, I'm thinking part Michael Starr, part Ron Keel. OK so its not a voice that everyone will be familiar with, but its my review!

I also have the new video to listen to which is called ‘Bulletproof’. I year or two on from the EP, Gone savage have upped the metal whilst maintaining the melody. A chugging, menacing, and sinister guitar riff sets out the tone, with Will Glover now on vocals. Thankfully the EP and new single are very different sounding, otherwise I'd be suggesting that Glover had received a kick in balls, the delivery being so different! Theres a lot of promise from this one song along, whereas the EP was more ‘samey’ and they are showing a considerable move in direction and quality.

Gone Savage Social Media Links below - 

EP 6/10
Single ‘Bulltproof’ 7.5/10

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